Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Play at the Park

The park, our girls' favorite activity. We tend to visit most days of the week as long as the weather is good, and with the beautiful weather we have been enjoying recently, trips to the park have been quite frequent.

The other day we put the Butterfly in the stroller and made our way for the local park, just about two blocks away. Below is our afternoon in pictures!

The Butterfly, as you can tell, smiled her way all the way to the park.

... and giggled her way as well!

The Ladybug has recently mastered the overhead bars, and enjoys practicing each time we visit now.

For the Butterfly, the swings are still her favorite. She loves swinging back and forth, and giggling the entire time.

At one point I was able to capture the most adorable smile as she was swinging. Wow, I just love seeing the joy this baby girl shows with her family... she is really happy!

Daddy moved in and started giving the Butterfly hugs and tickles with each swing, and she seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

The Ladybug loves spending time on the swings as well.

Especially when Daddy gives her great big pushes to give her lots of air (notice that Daddy's feet aren't even on the ground!).

The Butterfly is starting to practice her staring skills... I think she will be ready for a sibling staring contest in no time!

Of the many skills the Butterfly is currently working on and mastering... walking. She is doing a great job!

Of course a few spills are part of the learning process.

While the girls were playing, Daddy decided to practice with his whip and top that he purchased while in China. He is getting pretty good!

Lastly, just a couple close-ups of the Butterfly. I love this little girl so much and am so happy that she is a part of our family. She, and her sister made me a Mommy. Thank you Lord for making us family.



groovy mama said...

So fun...glad you all enjoyed the sunshine, we have RAIN here for awhile now!

Mayme said...

What beautiful pictures!

Briana's Mom said...

Such pretty pictures!! Both your girls have beautiful smiles!

ellieshine said...

Adorable photos - you really captured JOY!!! I love swing photos, somehow they capture the essense of childhood!

Unknown said...

You take GORGEOUS pictures! Love them! Your butterfly and our baby girl are about the same age. I think your sweetie looks a little bigger to me though---maybe it's her hair. Our Lydia had her head shaved and her hair is growing in like baby hair again. :)
from www.wearegraftedin.com