Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tub Time!

Our girls LOVE their time in the bathtub. The Ladybug has always enjoyed playing in the tub, and has often been found writing on the walls with tub crayons...

...and singing her heart out.

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With the Ladybug's love of bathing, we were of course hoping that the Butterfly would enjoy her time in the water as well. However, we could not imagine just how much our new little baby would love getting clean.

We found out about her love of the water while we were still in China. We visited the hotel's pool for a quick dip in the refreshing waters a few times because of the extreme heat during the summer. We figured our first visit would last no more than about 20 minutes, but the Butterfly had other plans. As soon as we got in the pool, the baby started splashing, giggling, squealing, and playing with such delight. Before we knew it we had been out there for a little over an hour, and we were all getting wrinkly. As can be imagined, our next few visits to the hotel pool were long and fun.

Now that we are home, the Butterfly has decided that she has her own personal pool in our home... the bathtub. And, she wants to go "swimming" every day. We do love that she is such a water baby, but knowing that if she had her choice she would spend almost every waking hour in the tub, we have decided to limit her time "playing in her pool" to every other day.

As you can tell from the photos below, she does love the water, and playing with bubbles... and her sister. We are just so happy to see this little baby coming out of her shell.



China Dreams said...

She sure has grown. And she's a girl after my own heart-love the water!

ellieshine said...

she is so precious, nothing is cuter than bath photos!

all 4 of mine LOVE the water. I love that they love it!