Yes, you got that right, we finally received our...
That is Travel Approval for those who are unfamiliar with the adoption acronyms. It is a grand day here at our house! I will let you know about our exact travel dates when we get things firmed up in the near future.
just reading your other posts, did it really take you 3 months to get your TA??? Did they tell you why??? Now Im freakin, if that is a trend we might not traveling until 2011, please NO!!!!
I am a wife to my best friend, and mommy to two amazing little girls, both adopted from Guizhou, China. We are now a family of four and are loving our adventures with two "Spicy Guizhou Girls."
Hip, hip, hooray!!!!! Congratulations!!! Won't be long now!!!! We are so very happy for you, and can't wait to follow along!!!
Love and ((Hugs)),
Jan, John & Jillian Rose
So exciting! I hope you blog on your trip! Congrats on your beautiful daughter!
~~Cara (Nebraska gal from RQ)
GROOVY DAY for you...Can't wait to here more!
Woohoo!! Congrats!
YAY!!!! So happy to hear it!!
We are waiting on our LOA!!! How long did it take for you??
Cant wait to follow your new journey soon.
just reading your other posts, did it really take you 3 months to get your TA??? Did they tell you why??? Now Im freakin, if that is a trend we might not traveling until 2011, please NO!!!!
YAY! How did I MISS this?! Oh my!!! Congratulations!!!!
YEA!!! Finally!!! Hope you are traveling SOON!
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