Monday, May 31, 2010

Catching Up

I took some photos of the Ladybug this weekend, and after downloading them to my computer, I noticed that there were some other photos of her/us that I haven't posted. So, I am catching up! Below are some photos of us with descriptions over the past couple months.

Some of you may remember that the middle of April brought about our Butterfly's 1st birthday. It was difficult not being with her to celebrate her first year of life, but we did share in the the joy of her birthday as a family. We got a cake, sang "Happy Birthday," and thought of our dear little daughter/sister. It was a wonderful celebration that we cannot wait to share with her when we bring her home.

That same day brought about another reason to celebrate to the Ladybug. It was the day that she could finally chew gum! I know, it seems a but trite, but she has been waiting four long years to enjoy the silliness of gum-chewing. She was very patient, and counted down the months, then days for almost a year. Her patience paid off, and she is now on her way to being a gum-chewing teenager in no time at all.

Easter time came and went, but not without a visit to the Easter Bunny. Previous years she was terrified of the over-sized rabbit and ended up crying and screaming her way away from the bunny. This year, she seemed to think that he (or she???) was her best friend, cuddling up nice and close to her new furry friend.

The Ladybug LOVES to have her hair done, and this new creation was all her idea. She came to me one morning and asked to do a braid from one side to the other side of her head. This was the result, and we have ended up doing recreating it several times since.

On Mother's Day, we spent the day visiting the Mammoth Site, which is the world’s largest mammoth research facility where you can tour an active paleontological dig site and view Ice Age fossils exhibited as they are found. We thoroughly enjoyed our day together, playing with fossils.

Daddy and the Bug listening to the tour guide:

The Bug listening to the guide on the phone... channeling her inner teenager:

Looking at the mammoth fossils below (I love this pic!):

Holding a mammoth femur:

Playing with the bones... future paleontologist maybe???:

Mommy and the Ladybug on Mother's Day:

A couple weeks ago we put together the Butterfly's bed and dresser/changing table. It was actually a fun couple of days where we as a family got to build and play together. The photo below is of the Ladybug helping us with the build. I will be sharing the before and after photos later.

Memorial Day weekend we decided to break out the grill and BBQ some great meals three nights in a row. Needless to say, we enjoyed some GREAT food! The first night we grilled brats, and grilled peppers and onions. Yummmmmmm. The second night was the same grilled veggies, marinated chicken as well as shish kabobs. This was the Bug's first time eating anything on a stick other than a corn dog. She loved it (of course, the strawberry smoothie I made for her really sealed the deal)!

Here is daddy grilling some hamburgers and corn today. The corn was awesome!!!

While waiting for her meal, the Bug pondered life as a bird (she is such a little goober!):

My little chip girl:

Yummmmm, grilled corn on the cob and hamburgers:

So there, our lives over the past few months. We really have spent some wonderful time together as a family of three. Hard to believe that very soon we will be a family of four!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for some good news really soon. Gott love my little lovebug ♥



Jan said...

WOW!! Loving all your catching up!!!

jodi said...

such great pictures!!!! what fantastic memories you are making together as a family!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!! i will follow you all through the summer.

"Your Student Aide"