One day... we are now down to one tiny, little day!!! I cannot believe that we are finally at the point where we will travel. This journey has been so long and frustrating, but tomorrow all of that will be forgotten. We will be on a plane on our way to China.
We leave the house about 10:00 a.m. with a flight around 12:30 p.m on Friday, June 25. We will fly through Salt Lake City and then will be on our way to Los Angeles. Once at LAX we will have to wait about 7 hours before our flight to China will leave... at 11:30 p.m. Fortunately, my mother will meet us at LAX. We will enjoy a little dinner and eventually the four of us will make our way to the flight.
The flight itself is about 15 hours long. Fortunately, most of it is in the middle of the night so we will sleep through a good chunk of it. The plane will land in Guangzhou in the morning of Sunday, June 27, so somewhere in there we end up losing a day. Oh well, at least we will be in China! After making our way through customs, we will get on our connecting flight to Beijing. We should arrive in Beijing sometime around noon and then go to the hotel.
I am still in a bit of shock that we will actually be leaving tomorrow. The Ladybug just walked up to me, put her arms around me and said, "I am so excited!!! I cannot believe that we are leaving for China tomorrow, I just can't believe it" Neither can I little girl, neither can I.
Such an exciting time for your family. Best wishes for safe travels.
I'm excited to follow your journey! We hope to be flying out of Rapid next spring!!!
Have a safe and wonderful trip! Thank you for keeping us up to date on the adventures of your growing family! What a thrill!
I am very excited for you and your family have a safe and uneventful flight over, may everyone be able to sleep so that you can be fresh for China.
Wishing you all the best of luck in China! Safe travels!
Travis, Bailey, Lili and Gma Judi!! We are praying for you. I Can't wait for your updates! I hope you've made it to China safely!! Love you!
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