At seven years old she loves school, is reading incredibly well, loves watching Doctor Who with the family, enjoys time by herself (away from her sister), enjoys being a tween with the silly attitude that comes with it, plays on her (dad's) IPod, is totally into peace signs, tie-dye, and sparkles, and thinks that her family is the greatest thing in the world. I love this age, though I do long for the time when she was younger. She is such a studious little girl who really enjoys school. She is a kid who loves to make her family happy. She is amazing.
For her birthday, Daddy and I decided the best gift for her would be something to help with her studies. Her very own desk. Daddy was crossing his fingers with this gift, feeling that it could be hit-or-miss with whether she liked it or not. However, his worry was useless. She LOVES her new desk!

The Ladybug did enjoy a fun party with her friends. We all went bowling and enjoyed a fun afternoon of falling pins, pizza, cake, and presents.
The Butterfly trying her hand at bowling.
Yummm, pizza (click to see larger images)!
Time for cake!
(A friend of the Ladybug's who looks an awful lot like my niece).
The ladybug's 7th birthday was such fun! The girls all seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly. I still just cannot believe that she is 7!!!