With Halloween just around the corner, The Ladybug, Daddy and I decided to decorate a couple pumpkins to help illuminate our window on Halloween night. This year the Bug chose two characters from her favorite cartoon to be the subjects for our carving. Needless to say, daddy wasn't very happy about the prospect of bringing those characters to life on a couple of gourds. But after some great persuasion from the Bug, Daddy finally caved and started drawing the character's outlines on the pumpkins.
While Daddy was drawing, the Ladybug and I cleaned out the insides of the pumpkins. Her first comment (and lasting one apparently) was, "This is disgusting!" She's correct, it is pretty disgusting, but the end result is always really cool. We saved the seeds for roasting, then started carving (roasting of the seeds is another project for the Bug and I... maybe we will tackle that one tomorrow). Daddy did most of the work with the carving, and Mommy tidied up when he was finished, smoothing the lines around the faces and making sure lots of light was creeping through the carvings. The Bug, well she just walked around telling us how disgusting this whole project was... that was, until we turned off the lights and she got to see the end result. Her comment, "Wow, those are really cool!"
It sure is nice to know that pumpkins are not disgusting any more.