What is going on??? Where have we been??? It has been WAY too long since I updated the page, but a lot has gone on in the last two months. So quit biting your thumbs in anticipation, here is what has been going on here the last couple months. To get you up to date quickly, I will keep it pretty brief, here are the last two months in pics:
Following the huge snow storm, the Ladybug had tons of fun in the snow!

Mother’s Day 2008. Celebrated a fun day with the Ladybug and finally planted this really cool “mom” plant.
After two years of hard work, I graduated with my Master’s... as you can see, the Ladybug is totally enthused!
At a recent MAA meeting (Mathematics Association of America), The Ladybug decided to learn to play the xylophone. Notice that our little math-nerd in the making is sporting her cool MAA t-shirt!

Our little bug has been working really hard learning how to smile for the camera. Here are the results so far. We swear that she is part Chinese, part Klingon. Who knew?!?!
Then Nana F. arrived...